A drawing created in response to a presentation made by the Nunavut Sivuniksavut, a silattuqsarvik (Inuktitut for "a place and time to become wise"), dedicated to providing Inuit youth with unique cultural and academic learning experiences that will allow them to develop the knowledge, skills and positive attitudes needed to contribute to the building of Nunavut (https://nunavutsivuniksavut.ca/). One of the presenters told an anecdote about instructors complaining that many of their Inuk students weren’t responding when asked questions directly in school. Inuit people often communicate with body language, where a micro movement of the eyebrows lifted can mean yes and a scrunch of the nose can mean no. Seeking some cultural understanding of the students we are teaching (a few simple words in their language, knowledge of traditions, etc.) would have told her this. We are always communicating - try to gain some understanding.